Analysing and tracking the evolution of the global economic context, as well as its influence and impact in the Catalan and Spanish economic reality, is one of the objectives of Foment del Treball in order to identify improvement points and actions.

Lines of action
- Influence in the traking and analysis of macroeconomic evolution, reinforcing the statistical processing of information and the periodic transmission of information to our associates.
- Following the evolution of the financial sector and its restructuring.
- At a macroeconomic level, promote transversal communication between interested activity sectors, in order to identify improvement points and possible derivative actions.
- With the goal of creating optimal scenarios to make economic recovery possible, elaboration of remodelling proposals and tracking of the results of those which are in implementation phase, both in Catalonia and in Spain.

Entrepreneurship and Business
The lines of action for the company and entrepreneurship are directly related to the operation of the business unit.

Foment del Treball is aware of the planning tools and proposals oriented towards the industrial sector.

Energy sources and the debate on their future are important key points in a time of change and an adverse economic situation.

Labour Relations
From a business point of view, necessary reforms for the modernization of the labour market need to achieve quality employment.

One of the objectives is favoring business competitiveness. And to be competitive, the investments in research, development, and innovation are indispensable.

Economic recovery must happen in order to set priorities and assure the creation of basic infrastructures (railway, environmental, technological, energy, etc.).

Sustainibility and Environment
Making the defense of general principles of market freedom compatible with the environmental commitment is the backbone of Foment del Treball.

Training and Business
Training and the link between the academic and the business worlds are essential for the productivity of the country.

Growing is looking forward. Being able to access foreign markets is an opportunity for companies with a vocation for development.