mayo, 2018
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(Martes) 11:30 - 14:00
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Detalles del evento
Turkey has been growing at an average rate of 7% per year in the last decade and, currently, is the fifth market for European Union exports and the sixth largest supplier of imports. In terms of trade relations with Catalonia, Turkey is the third country outside the EU that receives the most Catalan exports and the fourth market outside the EU for Spanish exports, only behind the United States, China and Morocco.
The call for snap elections comes at a time of instability and political tension in which Turkey-EU relations have suffered several crises. Will the Turkish economy and its ties with the EU withstand the aftermath of these new elections? Are they immune to what happens in the political sphere either in Ankara or the European capitals? Which kind of message does it send to worldwide investors?
CIDOB, Foment del Treball and the German Marshall Fund* will bring together representatives of the economic sector and people interested in Turkey to discuss the political scenarios that may arise in the coming months and the risks and opportunities of an emerging economy.
*This roundtable discussion is part of a series of events and analyses organized as part of the GMF-TOBB Fellowship on Turkey, Europe, and Global Issues, launched by GMF in partnership with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB).
11:30 h. Registration and Coffee
12:00 h. Welcome Remarks and Introduction
Joan Canals, President, International Comission, Foment del Treball; President Committee for Mediterranean Countries, CEOE
12:10 h. Will EU-Turkey economic ties withstand political turbulences?
Sinan Ulgen, Chairman, EDAM; visiting Scholar, Carnegie Europe
Kadri Tastan, TOBB Senior Fellow, German Marshall Fund
Eduard Soler, Senior Research Fellow, CIDOB
Laura Batalla, Secretary General, European Parliament Turkey Forum
Chair: Joan Canals, President, International Comission, Foment del Treball; President , Committee for Mediterranean Countries, CEOE
13:00 h. Debate with the audience
13:50 h. Final remarks and closure
*Working language: English

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